Wednesday 18 November 2009

Compare and Contrast '24 Hour Party People's production to that of a hollywood film

'24 Hour party people' is a british film made by Film Four, which is an independent film production company. This means that in contrast to a hollywood film, my hypothesis would expect this to contain less use of synergy and cross media convergence than a hollywood film would. I believe that this film and a hollywood film would both use as much New media technology as possible.

'24 Hour party people' have used one main type of synergy during film production. This type of synergy would be the use of music, which relates to real music groups from the real world. This is considered as synergy as it promotes and advertises the music soundtracks to the target audience of the movie which is usually also the kind of audience which the record company target with their artists. An example of this synergy in '24 Hour party people' would be the track from the 'Happy Mondays' in the opening credits of the film. In contrast to a hollywood production companies film which would use a lot of different types of synergy, e.g. In 'Transformers' the 'Apple' logo is seen on a macbook, during the film, which is noticed to be right in the center of the frame to emphasis the product, yet subtly advertise the product to the target audience. A Hollywood film would be more eligible for synergy as it is targeting a more mainstream audience in contrast to an independent movies niche audience, therefore it will gain more views making it more likely to be successful. Most of the time a company want request to have their product placed in a film, it is more likely to go into a film which is for a wider audience whilst keeping it on the products target consumers, therefore it is a lot more likely to see any type of synergy more often in a Hollywood movie than in an independent.

Film Four production company can make good use of Cross media convergence. This is because they are all part of the Channel4 Parent company, this means that during the release of this movie, it could be advertised via many different ways, for example, it could be advertised on Channel 4, Film4, e4 and More4. This can become advantageous toward the company as it can save money for the production company so that they can use the budget towards something else. This also means after the release of this movie it can be broadcasted on these channels without it costing the company for it. Hollywood Companies also do this with their media texts, but instead of doing it like this, they do it on a larger scale as hollywood companies are seen as more successful in terms of profitability. An example of this would be Vivendi Universal, which is the parent company of Universal Studios. It also owns many other companies, including record labels like BMG and Universal Music Group. As Universal Studios are part of a huge 'Media Conglomerate' they have easy access to many different formats of media to advertise and market their films with the advantage that it will not cost them and it will increase awareness and appeal to the film by a massive amount. This enables Hollywood productions companies more than Independent production companies to advertise and also create a bigger appeal of their film by creating usually biased reviews of a movie because the review company (newspapers, review sites etc) is owned by the media conglomerate.

Hollywood films tend to have a lot more of a variety of editing, cinematography and special effects mainly due to the difference in budget between the companies therefore hollywood films are seen to be more impressive in terms of production quality. An example of this would be a movie like 2012, which had a budget of $260 Million, therefore they are allowed to perfect production quality in the factors of special effects, cinematography and editing. This also allows a hollywood company to increase verisimilitude throughout their movies meaning they can make any type of movie which would contain content that is not possible in the real world, but seems so believable in the fantasy world of the movie. This has all came from New media technology, which has allowed creating a film to be a lot more easier, cheaper and impressive. In '24 hour party people' new media technology has allowed editing software to be made which will make it a lot easier for an editor of a movie such as this to add content like soundtracks onto a scene without having to use a moviola etc. Digital Video was used to record the movie which shows how New media technology has affected independent film companies as it costs a lot less money to film therefore money isn't lost using film reels etc. Special effects are also used in '24 hour party people' when a spaceship was in the movie, which was made by CGI technology to increase the look of it being real. Hollywood companies will vert frequently spend more money on their use of new media technology as it is easier, cheaper and works better.

New media technology has obviously effected production companies, an independent film production company is more likely to use this new media technology as it can save them costs hugely which means they can spend more money on their film. Hollywood production companies have also been effected by this, they now use the best of the best software and hardware to create their films to ensure that their audience can view to allow them to want to continue watching their movies because they produce the best viewing quality films.
The new technology has also effected audience, it has made them excited about the increasing use of CGI technology in films and i believe that in the near future film audience will constantly expect too much new technology and they will ruin the conventional way in which movies can be made, which is why some directors like Steven Spielberg do not make films the new way but the old way to conserve the original values of film making.

In conclusion i believe that '24 Hour Party People' is different to a hollywood company due to the financial restraints experience by a independent company. This is in many factors of the film production stages of industry but some are similar like the use of new media technology because it will save both companies costs whilst making filming and production a lot easier. Therefore the main aspect that production companies can be contrasted by is finance between the two different companies.

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