Sunday 22 November 2009

Analysis of Gender in 'Cold Feet'

This is an analysis of Gender in 'Cold Feet'. It is based on a four minute clip from the TV drama. From this clip i can familiarise myself with some of the stereotypes of gender.
At the beginning of the clip there are two characters, a male in a suit that seems to be reading something, maybe a newspaper, and a woman who is by the kitchen and in casual clothing. The actors/actresses are part of the mise-en-scene of the TV drama. The male and female characters are represented to be married due to the house that they seem to live together in and the relationship with each other that they have. The male character is represented to have just come back from work and sitting at the table waiting for dinner, this is done by the suit that he is wearing and the fact that he's sitting by the table. This would connote that the male character is the provider of the family, due to the business like attire. Whilst the female characters positioning in the set (at the kitchen) would represent her to be the housewife. This common stereotype of married couples is negative, as in this day and age it is not likely for the male of the relationship to be working and the female to be in the kitchen cooking dinner. This is not a very accurate view of couples and gender in the time that we live in, but it can be accurate in the past.
The low key lighting during this scene may represent the time of day, or maybe even the fact that the relationship between the two characters is argumentative.
The next scene is based in a supermarket, where a female character is shopping whilst the male character is being silly and questioning everything she buys. This is representative of how a female is stereotypically viewed, as a woman who shops for the family, being the middle and back-bone of it, the one that takes care of the children and knows what to buy because she's the one cooking. This is partially an accurate view of a female depending on the point of view taken, mothers are usually the ones to go shopping as they are the main person that cooks for the family, just like my mother, so i would call this a polysemic stereotype. Again in this scene the male character is wearing a suit which conveys the possibility of him coming back from work, which leads to the stereotype of the male characters being the providers of the family. The two characters are having a discussion about what baby product to buy, as one is 30 pounds more expensive than the other. The male character is more concerned with the price, whereas the female character is thinking what is better for the baby. This represents how the male and female characters would think in terms of money, and how the female would take the more responsible approach and buy the more expensive item as it is better quality. This also enforces the common stereotype that mothers want what's best for their child, which can be seen as a positive representation of a female character.
The last scene of the clip is done in low-key lighting with the use of neon lighting as part of the set, with red gels. The red gels can be connected with the two female characters as red is commonly representative as the colour of love, which is then intertwined with the female characters, which could possibly connote that females are usually more emotional than males, therefore the use of red. This stereotype of females being more emotional can be seen as sexist and therefore is negative and inaccurate of females.

Both genders are represented in this clip of 'Cold Feet', through the use of Mise-en-scene. Most of the representations in this clip have been inaccurate and old fashioned, for example a common housewife figure.

1 comment:

  1. This is an analysis of Gender in 'Cold Feet'. It is based on a four minute clip from the TV drama. From this clip i can familiarise myself with some of the stereotypes of gender - HERE SHANI YOU NEED TO GIVE AN OVERVIEW OF THE REPS IN THE CLIP IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH. SIMILARLY IN THE FINAL PARAGRAPH YOU NEED TO GO THROUGH EACH REPRESENTATION AND EVALUATE THE ACCURACY ONE BY ONE.

    E - 12
    E - 13

    30 X 2 = 60 C
