Saturday 5 September 2009

My Review Of The Summer

My Media Summer...

Where should i begin?

Over the summer i watched tons of movies, i even began to create a list of movies i must watch! One of the new films i watched was "The Hangover". I loved this movie for the fact that they took comedy too another level, for example, they created humor through the use of a baby and
making him do actions which a teenage audience would see as amusing. Here is a trailer for the film to illustrate the comedy throughout the movie.

Another movie i watched was broadcasted on channel 4.
It was called Babel, starring Brad Pitt.
This movie was a Drama b
ased in morocco, and how many different people around the world have lives with actions that affected others across the world. What made me interested in this movie was the advert shown
on t.v, along with this was the tag line which caught my attention: 'A single gunshot...heard around the world'.

During the summer i have caught up with my favourite TV Drama, which is Lost. I am ready for the highly anticipated Season
6 which is due to come out January 2010. I've already watched every episode but i had to view season 5 again because i find the programme so intriguing due to its mystery within every episode and the cliffhanger left at the end of the episodes along the the major cliffhanger at the end of the finale of season 5. What i love about Lost is the storyline which is kept in such depth for the viewers so that they can do more than just watch it, but discuss and
read about it. This narrative is the main reason Lost continues to be such a success.

Here is a trailer for Season 5.

I also watched Scrubs throughout the summer holidays. Scrubs is about a group of Doctors and Surgeons along with the characters and a setting of Sacred Heart Hospital. This would be classed as an American Comedy. Therefore this programme will have many humorous aspects to it, turning serious scenes into comical ones. This show appeals to me mainly because of the humor but also the serious lessons learnt at the end of every episode, which creates a unique selling point for the show by combining these two aspects together.
Alot of the comedy comes from the characters and there actions, this shows characters usually contradict stereotypes by having laid back doctors and a janitor which bullies the main doctor of Scrubs.

Throughout my Summer holiday i cannot remember one day where i haven't listened to music, but one of the songs that I've had stuck in my head would be: Mr Hudson - Supernova. This track has been recorded with Kanye West, which is one of the reasons why this song has been successful in terms of iTunes downloads etc. Mr Hudson and Kanye West had an interview which i viewed via YouTube in which Kanye claims that Mr Hudson will become a bigger and better artist than himself, which according to a teenage audience is highly unlikely, but along with this interview, track and other songs composed by Mr Hudson is a long and successful career for the man. With myself as an example, we can see that the interview along with other methods has brought great awareness to this new music artist for his future career. Music plays a big part in my life, and this is why i go so in depth into one track and artist. This song has obviously appealed to me in more ways that one, from the music video to the voices behind it.

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