Thursday 24 September 2009

The Life Of A Film - 300


This movie retells us of the ancient Battle of Thermopylae. Its based on the epic battle between King Leonidas and his 300 Spartan warriors who fought to the death against Xerxes and his enormous Persian Army. This movie was created as a CGI animation mixed with live-action to create a real cinematic experience which is unique compared to others. As the battle brews the 300 spartans are proving themselves strong, but against hundreds of thousands from the persian forces, they now that they will not last. These 300 spartans fight till the death, until the last drop of spartan blood is shed, all fighting till their last breath. Towards the end, after all 300 have made their mark on history, we learn that one of the 300 spartans tracked back to Sparta, telling this epic story to the people of the great city, and this leads to a great army of Spartans being brought forward to fight in the name of the courageous 300, to make sure they did not die for nothing. The war between Sparta and Persia, between two great armys will commence, and the outcome is quite predictable as the numbers are equal, and spartans have proved themselves to be great warriors in battle.

Here is some marketing material from this movie:

300 had a production budget of approximately $65,000,000. The companies that would have financed this movie are Warner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures, Virtual Studios, Hollywood Gang Productions and Atmosphere Entertainment MM.

Warner Bros. Pictures is a highly successful company which has made thousands of movies before this, these titles include Harry Potter, Oceans Eleven (and the sequels), I am Legend and many more.

Warner Bros. were also the theatrical distributors for this movie, in 16 different countries including USA, UK, France, Germany, Brazil and many others.

AOL Film Downloads was a home distributor allowing the movie to be accessible through the internet within the USA. Other Home video distributors Turner Network Television (TNT) allowing the movie to be viewable on TV across the USA. Along with this Warner Bros. distributed DVD and Blu-ray to 10 different countries in 2007.

300 had a great box office taking of $455,839,040 worldwide, after 18 weeks. This movie gained $70M in its opening weekend which meant it already gained a profit from the first weekend, showing its success.

A movie of this magnitude would definitely be expected to be shown in Romford VUE as this cinema shows all the big popular movies and 300 is one of them as we can tell by the level of marketing that had taken place for this movie to become appealing towards audiences and awareness of it being raised.

300 is now available on many different formats of home video. This includes DVD and Blu-ray, internet downloads e.g. iTunes. Also 300 is available on near video on demand via Sky box office, and video on demand via Virgin media services. Along with this there are newer ways to view this movie for example, through Xbox Live where you can download movies to your hard drive to watch from your home TV, this can be done in HD to increase viewing satisfaction. Along with this, movies can be rented through these internet based ways and also from places like Blockbusters and Love film.

This movie used Vertical Integration, this is when a parent company (in this case, Warner Bros.) owns multiples companies across different stages of the film industry.
In this case of 300, Warner Bros. Pictures were a production company for it, and Warner Bros. Distribution were the distributors in charge of getting this movie to the exhibition stage which would be the cinemas across the world and also onto home video formats e.g. DVD and Blu-ray. Along with this job, the distribution company also has to go through marketing methods to make sure this movie is appealing the audiences and they are awaiting its release to view at cinemas to gain as much box office takings as possible on the opening weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Shani,

    An excellent first attempt at AS level work showing clear signs of extensive research, making good use of terminology and reflecting well on the material covered in Monday's lesson.

    To improve I would have reconsidered the text colour as it clashes badly with the background and you could have also mentioned horizontal integration in your final section.

    An excellent first impression - very well done!
